tribunal|tribunals in English


[tri·bu·nal || traɪ'bjuːnl]

court of justice; place of judgement

Use "tribunal|tribunals" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tribunal|tribunals" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tribunal|tribunals", or refer to the context using the word "tribunal|tribunals" in the English Dictionary.

1. These general grounds have been elaborated by decisions of the Employment Appeal Tribunal on appeal from decisions of industrial tribunals.

2. With the development of rights of appeal against tribunal decisions, the significance of judicial review is diminishing in relation to such tribunals.

3. The State Administrative Tribunals are meant for dispute in regard to state service and they cannot entertain any matter which is entertainable by the Central Administrative Tribunal .

4. In 2016, the EU Commission announced that it had agreed with the Canadian government to replace ad hoc arbitral tribunals in CETA with a permanent dispute settlement tribunal.

5. • Equal Wage Guidelines Administrative Tribunals:

6. Jurisprudence of international courts and tribunals of general and ad hoc jurisdiction (e.g. ICJ, Arbitral Tribunals);

7. Annulments granted by Eastern Orthodox tribunals

8. a) Jurisprudence of international courts and tribunals of general and ad hoc jurisdiction (e.g. ICJ, Arbitral Tribunals

9. A blanket of secrecy surrounded the tribunals.

10. Save for the exceptional case of Mental Health Review Tribunals, legal aid does not cover representation before tribunals of first instance.

11. The ICTY confirmed in the # adic case the Security Council's competence to create a tribunal of its kind; today it is generally accepted that the Security Council has the power to establish such tribunals

12. The social security appeal tribunals are a typical example.

13. Facing a Tribunal

14. • Independent administrative tribunal

15. Issue of the administration of justice through military tribunals

16. Article 18(c) of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (an annex to the 8 August 1945 London Agreement) gave the Military Tribunal power to deal summarily with 'any Contumacy ' by 'imposing appropriate punishment.' The United States Military Tribunals sitting in Nuremberg (and acting in accordance with the Allied Control Council Law No.

17. Administration of justice through military tribunals and other exceptional jurisdictions

18. Such implicit denial can be appealed to the administrative tribunals.

19. No legal aid was available to cover representation before tribunals.

20. Joinet on the administration of justice through military tribunals (decision 2001/103);

21. Employment and training cases continue to be heard by employment tribunals .

22. Administrative expenses of the Tribunal

23. Denmark: Ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal

24. The tribunal will convene tomorrow.

25. Extra-Sharia government tribunals usually handle disputes relating to specific royal decrees.